I. A paper or group project (200 points).
A. One of the following kinds of paper (13 pages):II. Peer feedback of the following kinds:
1. an original theory on a topic in personality,B. A creative group project presented to the class (30 minutes).2. a critical review of the literature on a personality research program.
A. peer reviews of submitted student papers (1 page each) (10 points),III. Five noncumulative exams on the book Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature (100 points each).B. up to two peer commentaries on accepted student papers (2 pages each) (40 points).
Theory Paper. A theory paper is meant to emphasize the creative aspect of the course. You are to create an original theory of personality that (a) takes account of existing research and (b) has testable consequences. The paper should be at least 13 double-spaced pages in length and should be in APA style, including a title page, abstract, headings, and references.
Your paper will be subjected to peer review by other students, after which you will have a chance to revise it. When you turn it in, the instructor will grade it and will select the best papers for publication. Published papers will be raised by one third of a letter (typically from A to A+). They will then become the focus of peer commentaries by students in the class, and possibly also by contributors outside of class. The author of each published paper will then write an author response. Submission guidelines and several exemplary papers are available.
Review Paper. Whereas a theory paper emphasizes the creative aspect of the course, a review paper emphasizes the critical aspect. You are to write a critical review of the literature on a theory that has been the subject of vigorous scientific research. If you wish to write about a theory not discussed in class, you must obtain permission of the instructor, which will require that you show that a substantial amount of scientific research has already gone into testing the theory.
Your paper will be subjected to peer review with the possibility of publication. Published papers will be raised by one third of a letter (typically from A to A+). They will be subjected to peer commentary, and the author will write a response. Papers must follow APA style and must be at least 13 double-spaced pages in length. Writing advice is available.
Late papers will be accepted on the following basis. For each class period after the paper is due, one third of a letter will be deducted from the final paper grade. For example, if the paper is turned in on the first class period after it is due, and if the paper would have received a B, then the final paper grade will be a B-.
Last modified September 2004
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