Interpersonal Theory Impact

A prominent personality researcher once asked me, "What is interpersonal theory, anyway?" the implication being that interpersonal theory had not had a significant impact on psychology. I believe this assumption is mistaken. The table below (based on the interpersonal theory references) shows the breadth and depth of publications on interpersonal theory. Not included in this summary are the over 100 publications on interpersonal complementarity.

"Impact" is the average number of citations in 1997 to articles published in a journal in 1995 and 1996. For example, a 3.00 indicates that an average article was listed in the references section of three other publications within a year or two of its appearance. These figures are based on averages for the journals, not averages for the particular articles listed, although the latter might be considerably higher. For example, in the twenty years since its publication, Jerry Wiggins' seminal (1979) JPSP article has been cited 382 times, for an impact of 19.10--over six times as high as a typical JPSP article.




Number of Articles

7.06Psychological Review5
6.04Psychological Bulletin3
4.84Annual Review of Psychology1
3.51Schizophrenia Bulletin1
3.27British Journal of Psychiatry1
3.08American Psychologist2
3.06Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology16
2.99Journal of Personality and Social Psychology33
2.68Journal of Abnormal Psychology8
2.55Journal of Experimental Psychology1
2.50Health Psychology1
1.83Behavior Therapy1
1.82Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice1
1.76Psychological Assessment2
1.76Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin2
1.60Journal of Personality8
1.54Journal of Vocational Behavior9
1.52Journal of Educational Psychology1
1.43Cognitive Therapy and Research1
1.43Journal of Counseling Psychology3
1.38Clinical Psychology Review1
1.32Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease1
1.30Professional Psychology: Research and Practice1
0.94Journal of Personality Assessment15
0.91Psychotherapy Research4
0.86Journal of Personality Disorders5
0.79Personality and Individual Differences4
0.78European Journal of Personality3
0.78Psychological Inquiry8
0.70Journal of Research in Personality3
0.67British Journal of Medical Psychology1
0.49Applied Psychological Measurement1
0.49Multivariate Behavioral Research4
0.45Journal of Clinical Psychology3
0.44European Journal of Psychological Assessment1
0.44Journal of Counseling and Development2
0.41Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development1
0.28Journal of Psychology1
0.23European Review of Applied Psychology1
0.21Journal of Mind and Behavior1
0.14Journal of Psychotherapy Integration1
n/aJournal of Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy1
n/aJournal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research1
n/aPersonality and Social Psychology Review1
n/aPsychodrama and Group Psychotherapy Monographs1
n/aPsychological Assessment:
A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
n/aPsychology of Music1
n/aUnpublished Manuscript2
n/aBook Chapters45

Last modified September 1999
Visited times since July 2001

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