Last modified November 1998
Home to Personality Journals
Home to Great Ideas in Personality
General Personality
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (3.0)
"...encourages research on...individual differences in behavior, affect, health, coping, and motivation. Articles in traditional areas such as personality development, assessment, structure, and basic processes are also appropriate. Applications of personality psychology to everyday behavior and applied psychology are welcome. Papers on the interplay of culture and personality are also encouraged."
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (1.8)
"...publishes theoretical articles and empirical reports of research in all areas of personality and social psychology."
Journal of Personality (1.6)
"...publishes scientific investigations in the field of personality. It focuses particularly on personality and behavior dynamics, personality development, and individual differences in the cognitive, affective, and interpersonal domains."
Journal of Personality Assessment (0.9)
"...provides commentaries, case reports, and research studies dealing with the application of methods of personality assessment."
Personality and Individual Differences (0.8)
"...devoted to the publication of articles (experimental, theoretical, review) which aim to integrate as far as possible the major factors of personality with empirical paradigms from experimental, physiological, animal, clinical, educational, criminological or industrial psychology...."
European Journal of Personality (0.8)
"...will emphasize (1) human individuality as manifested in cognitive processes, emotional and motivational functioning, and personal ways of interacting with the environment, (2) individual differences in personality structure and dynamics, and (3) studies of intelligence and interindividual differences in cognitive functioning."
Journal of Research in Personality (0.7)
"Subject matter will include treatments of genetic, physiological, motivational, learning, perceptual, cognitive, and social processes of both normal and abnormal kinds in both human and animal subjects."
Social Behavior and Personality (0.2)
"Focussed on all areas of Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Personality. Publishes research and theoretical papers quarterly."
Personality and Social Psychology Review (n/a)
"...a forum for conceptual pieces that initiate new lines of research and theory or provide a coherent framework for existing theory and programs of research."
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General Psychology
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (8.1)
"...publishes important and controversial interdisciplinary 'target articles' in psychology, neuroscience, behavioral biology, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics and philosophy....The [peer] commentaries consist of analyses, elaborations, complementary and supplementary data and theory, criticisms and cross-specialty syntheses."
Psychological Review (7.0)
"...publishes articles that make important theoretical contributions to any
area of scientific psychology.... Papers devoted to surveys of the literature, problems of method and design, or reports of empirical findings are not appropriate."
Psychological Bulletin (6.0)
"...publishes evaluative and integrative reviews and interpretations of
issues in scientific psychology. Original research is reported only for illustrative purposes."
Annual Review of Psychology (4.8)
"...the intelligent synthesis of scientific literature...chapters are written upon invitation from one of our 27 Editorial Committees, who nevertheless welcome suggestions from our readers."
American Psychologist (3.1)
" the official journal of the American Psychological Association and, as
such, contains archival documents. It also publishes articles on current issues in psychology as well as empirical, theoretical, and practical articles on broad aspects of psychology."
Psychological Science (2.9)
"...publishes authoritative articles of interest across...the behavioral, clinical, cognitive, neural, and social sciences.... also features summaries of new research developments, reviews of new publications, and discussions of psychological issues in government and public affairs."
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2.5)
"...publishes articles describing empirical work that bridges the traditional interests of two or more communities of psychology."
Current Directions in Psychological Science (1.4)
"...provides quick updates and reviews of current work in such areas as: the theory of mind, the neural foundations of behaviour, face recognition, learning theory, memory, and perception."
British Journal of Psychology (1.2)
"Reports of empirical studies likely to further our understanding of psychology. Critical reviews of the literature. Theoretical contributions."
Psychological Inquiry (0.8)
"An international forum for scholarly inquiry, criticism, and review, ...publishes theoretical and issue-oriented articles in the areas of personality, social, developmental, health, and clinical psychology."
American Journal of Psychology (0.5)
"...explores the basic science of the mind, publishing reports of original research in experimental psychology, theoretical presentations, combined theoretical and experimental analyses, historical commentaries, obituaries of prominent psychologists, and in-depth reviews of significant books."
Canadian Psychology (0.4)
"...present generalist articles in areas of theory, research, and practice that are potentially of interest to a broad cross-section of psychologists.
Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science (0.3)
"...publishes original contributions in the applied areas of psychology, including...abnormal, behavioural, and psychotherapeutic intervention strategies, child and developmental, clinical, community, education, environmental, organizational behaviour and development, personality, psychometrics, and social."
Swiss Journal of Psychology (0.2)
[Information unavailable]
European Psychologist (n/a)
"...the English language voice of psychology in Europe, integrates across all specializations in psychology...."
Psycoloquy (n/a)
"...publishes brief reports of new ideas and findings on which the author wishes to solicit rapid peer feedback, international and all areas of psychology and its related fields (biobehavioral science, cognitive science, neuroscience, social science, etc.)."
Review of General Psychology (n/a)
"...seeks to publish innovative theoretical, conceptual, or methodological articles that crosscut the traditional subdisciplines of psychology. The journal contains articles that advance theory, evaluate and integrate research literatures, provide new historical analyses, or discuss new methodological developments in psychology as a whole."
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General Science
Nature (27.4)
"...publishes papers from any area of science that have the greatest possible impact, often extending well beyond the discipline concerned."
Science (23.6 in 1996)
This is the premier science journal in the United States.
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Theory & Psychology (0.6)
"...devoted to work with a broader meta-theoretical intent, examining such issues as the conceptual frameworks and foundations of psychology, its historical underpinnings, its relation to other human sciences, its methodological commitments, its ideological assumptions and its political and institutional contexts."
Philosophical Psychology (0.5)
"...articles which deal with issues that arise in the cognitive and brain sciences...with emphasis on...cognitive and perceptual processes, models of psychological processing, including neural network and dynamical systems models, and relations between psychological theories and accounts of neural underpinnings or environmental context."
New Ideas in Psychology (0.4)
"...provides a forum for theorizers. It is open to letters, comments or debate, and puts a special emphasis on seminal and controversial ideas. Empirical papers are welcome, but only as long as they focus on conceptual issues and are theoretically creative."
The Journal of Mind and Behavior (0.2)
"...dedicated to the interdisciplinary approach within psychology and related fields--building upon the assumption of a unified science."
Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology (n/a)
"Theoretical contributions of all kinds are welcomed, especially articles, position pieces, reviews, and commentaries.... not intended to exclude empirical studies, particularly when they have significant theoretical import."
Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology (n/a)
"...advances philosophical inquiry in psychiatry and abnormal psychology while making clinical material and theory more accessible to philosophers."
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Achievement Motivation
Motivation and Emotion (0.1)
"...publishes theoretical papers and original research reports of either a basic or applied nature from any area of psychology and behavioral science, provided that the focus is on motivation and/or emotion."
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Attachment Theory
Developmental Psychology (2.3)
"...publishes articles that advance knowledge and theory about human
development across the life span."
Developmental Review (1.1)
" international and interdisciplinary journal, publishes original articles that bear on conceptual issues in psychological development."
Journal of Research on Adolescence (1.0)
"...designed to significantly advance knowledge about the second decade of life."
Personal Relationships (1.0)
"...includes such topics as love, jealousy, conflict, intimacy, social support, loneliness, socialization, attachment and bonding, communication, kinship, and sexuality."
Journal of Adolescent Research (0.4)
"...provides scholars with the most current and relevant information on ways in which individuals aged 10-20 develop, behave, and are influenced by societal and cultural perspectives."
Youth & Society (0.3)
"...explores a wide range of research issues including race, class, gender, orientation, religion, ethnicity and cultural diversity which affect the lives of contemporary young people at home, school, leisure and the community."
Journal of Adult Development (0.3)
"...papers on biological, psychological (cognitive, affective, valuative,
behavioral), and/or sociocultural development in young, middle or late adulthood."
Developmental Science (n/a)
"...publishes new scientific findings and in depth empirical studies. It covers aspects of developmental psychology including cognitive and social development and biological, computational and comparative perspectives."
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Basic Emotions
Cognition & Emotion (1.4)
"...topics appropriate for the journal include emotional appraisals; effects of mood or emotion on cognition and motivation; the nature of emotional experience; self-regulation of emotion; social, historical, or cultural aspects of emotion; and the nature of particular emotions or emotionality in general."
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping (0.6)
"...provides a forum for scientific, theoretically important, and clinically significant research reports and conceptual contributions."
Motivation and Emotion (0.1)
"...publishes theoretical papers and original research reports of either a basic or applied nature from any area of psychology and behavioral science, provided that the focus is on motivation and/or emotion."
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Behavior Genetics
Nature Genetics
"...publishing the highest quality original research in genetics, with particular emphasis on human and mammalian genetics and the Human Genome Project."
Behavior Genetics (2.3)
"...disseminates the most current original research on the inheritance and evolution of behavioral characteristics in man and other species."
Twin Research (n/a)
"...wide-ranging international content covering the broad spectrum of multiple birth research."
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Behavior Therapy (1.8)
"An international journal devoted to the application of behavioral and cognitive sciences to clinical problems."
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (1.7)
" a psychology journal primarily for the original publication of experiments relevant to the behavior of individual organisms."
Animal Learning and Behavior (1.4)
"Specific topics include classical and operant conditioning, discrete-trial instrumental learning, habituation, exploratory behavior, early experience, social and sexual behavior, imprinting, and territoriality."
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (1.4)
" a psychology journal that publishes experimental research about applications of the experimental analysis of behavior to problems of social importance."
The Behavior Analyst (0.5)
" the official publication of the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA), an international organization."
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (n/a)
"...papers relevant to a behavioral analysis of verbal behavior."
Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (n/a)
"...publishes original basic or applied research reports relevant to the behavior of animals or humans. Review or theoretical articles are also considered for publication."
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Cognitive Social Theories
Cognitive Therapy and Research (1.4)
"...research and theory on the role of cognitive processes in human adaptation and adjustment."
Social Cognition (0.6)
"...features reports of empirical research, conceptual analyses, and critical reviews on the role of cognitive processes in the study of personality, development, and social behavior."
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Intelligence (1.2)
"...publishes papers reporting work that makes a significant contribution to an understanding of the nature and function of intelligence.... Theoretical and review articles will be considered, if appropriate, but preference will be given to original research."
Creativity Research Journal (0.6)
"...research capturing the full range of approaches to the study of creativity--behavioral, clinical, cognitive, cross-cultural, developmental, educational, genetic, organizational, psychoanalytic, psychometric and social."
Imagination, Cognition and Personality (n/a)
"...presents original scientific research examining the relationship of consciousness to brain structure and function, to sensory process, to human development, to aesthetic experience, and to the flow of life events."
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Personality Disorders
Journal of Personality Disorders (0.9)
"...features the latest research on normal and pathological personality and development; new methodologies for assessing personality; clinical tools for diagnosis; etiology and classification of disorders; treatment innovations and techniques; and outcome."
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Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (0.9)
[Information unavailable]
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (0.8)
"...welcomes contributions to methodology; psychoanalytic theory and technique; the history of psychoanalysis; clinical contributions; research and life cycle development; educational and professional issues; psychoanalytic psychotherapy; interdisciplinary studies...."
Psychoanalytic Psychology (0.6)
"...empirical studies, clinical, and theoretical papers are represented in the journal from a wide spectrum of theoretical orientations."
Psychoanalytic Inquiry (0.4)
"By dedicating each issue to a single topic, ...achieves
a depth of coverage unique to the journal format."
Revue Française de Psychanalyse (0.1)
"...a review open to the great psychoanalytical debates, in France and
in the world."
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis (n/a)
"...presents original articles on the modern concepts of psychoanalytic theory
and practice, as well as related investigations in allied fields."
Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis (n/a)
"...hermeneutics in psychoanalysis...the analytic psychotherapy of a child...coming to an agreement on treatment...."
Gender & Psychoanalysis (n/a)
[Information unavailable]
Individual Psychology (n/a)
"...provides a forum for the finest dialogue pertaining to Adlerian practices, principles, and theoretical development."
Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis (n/a)
"...rejects old concepts and accepted dogma to concentrate, instead, on offering fresh perspectives on theory and treatment methods, the most up-to-date research, critical book reviews, and relevant data from neuroscience, the humanities, and the social sciences."
Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society (n/a)
"...employ psychoanalytic theories, concepts, or perspectives to address psychological roots or consequences of significant social or cultural phenomena in such a way as to promote beneficial social change."
Modern Psychoanalysis (n/a)
[Information unavailable]
Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought (n/a)
[Information unavailable]
Psychoanalytic Dialogues (n/a)
"...explores common ground; clarifies differences; raises the level of debate above slogans and formulas; and enriches our understanding of the intricacies of the psychoanalytic process."
The Psychoanalytic Review (n/a)
"The leading forum of critical discourse in the field, this journal is highly respected for its penetrating analyses of contemporary theory and practice."
Psychoanalytic Studies (n/a)
"...the academic, scholarly study of psychoanalysis and related psychodynamic approaches."
Rivista di Psicoanalisi (n/a)
...journal of the Società Psicoanalitica Italiana.
Transactional Analysis Journal (n/a)
"...published quarterly to advance the theory, principles, and practice of transactional analysis."
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Human Nature (1.4)
"...advancing the interdisciplinary investigation of the biological, social, and environmental factors which underlie human behavior."
Ethology (1.2)
"...welcomes original contributions from all branches of behaviour research on all species of animals, both in the field and in the laboratory, as well as theoretical investigations."
Evolution and Human Behavior (0.2 in 1997)
"...presenting research reports and theory in which evolutionary perspectives are brought to bear on the study of human behavior."
Behavioral Ecology (n/a)
"...the use of ecological and evolutionary processes to explain the occurrence and adaptive significance of behavior patterns...."
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (n/a)
"...publishes reviews, and original contributions dealing with quantitative empirical and theoretical studies in the field of the analyis of animal behavior on the level of the individual, population and community."
Brain, Behavior and Evolution (n/a)
"...the evolution of nervous systems and how they subserve behavior...."
Evolution of Communication (n/a)
"...covering not only the origins of human language but also the evolutionary continuum of communication in general."
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Personality Theory
General Personality and General Psychology
For personality theory, see also these journal categories.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology (0.5)
"...postmodern emphasis on the role of language, human systems, and personal knowledge in the construction of social realities."
Journal of Humanistic Psychology (0.2)
"...provides an interdisciplinary forum for contributions and controversies in humanistic psychology as applied to personal growth, interpersonal encounters, social problems and philosophical issues."
The Humanistic Psychologist (n/a)
"Journal of the Division of Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association."
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Personality Topics
Aggressive Behavior (1.4)
"Papers concerning mechanisms underlying or influencing behaviors generally regarded as aggressive and the physiological and/or behavioral consequences of being subject to such behaviors...."
Archives of Sexual Behavior (1.2)
"...clinical research in sexual dysfunctions; neuroendocrine correlates of sexual behavior; the development of masculinity and femininity in children; therapeutic techniques ranging from behavior therapy to psychoanalysis; sexual attitudes and behaviors in special populations; sex education; and cross-cultural studies."
Aggression and Violent Behavior (1.0)
" a multidisciplinary journal that publishes substantive and integrative reviews..."
Journal of Sex Research (0.9)
"...publishes empirical reports, theoretical essays, literature reviews, methodological articles, historical articles, clinical reports, teaching papers, book reviews, and letters to the editor."
Dreaming (0.5)
"...publishes scholarly articles related to dreaming from any discipline and
Sex Roles (0.5)
"...publishes original research articles and theoretical papers concerned with the underlying processes and consequences of gender role socialization, perceptions, and attitudes."
Language and Communication (0.5)
"...publishes contributions from researchers in all fields relevant to the study of verbal and non-verbal communication."
Culture & Psychology (n/a)
" a genuinely interdisciplinary journal that addresses the centrality of culture to our understanding of human behaviour, identity, intersubjective experiences, emotions, development and language."
The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies (n/a)
"...explores such topics as: Unitive and transcendent states of consciousness. Mind, wisdom and enlightenment. Eastern and Western approaches to higher consciousness. Spirituality and spiritual paths. Meditation and other psychopractices for self-understanding and insight."
Journal of Consciousness Studies (n/a)
"How does the mind relate to the brain? Can computers ever be conscious? What do we mean by subjectivity and the self?"
Language Sciences (n/a)
"...conceptual and theoretical issues in the various branches of general linguistics."
Psyche (n/a)
"...a refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain."
Stress (n/a)
"...will publish the latest developments in physiology, neurobiology, molecular biology, genetics research, clinical medicine, immunology and behavioural studies as they impact on the understanding of stress and the pathology of stress."
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Archives of General Psychiatry (10.8)
"...strives to publish original, state-of-the-art studies and commentaries of general interest to clinicians, scholars and research scientists in psychiatry, mental health, behavioral science and allied fields."
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (3.1)
"...publishes original contributions on... (a) the development, validity, and use of techniques of diagnosis and treatment of disordered behavior; (b) studies of populations... such as hospitals, prison, rehabilitation, geriatric, and similar samples; (c) cross-cultural and demographic studies of interest for the behavior disorders; (d) studies of personality and of its assessment and development where these have a clear bearing on problems of clinical dysfunction...."
Journal of Abnormal Psychology (2.7)
"...publishes articles on basic research and theory in the broad field of abnormal behavior, its determinants, and its correlates."
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (1.3)
"...publishes articles containing new data or ways of reorganizing established knowledge relevant to understanding and modifying human behavior, especially that called 'sick' or 'deviant.'"
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Tests and Measurements
Psychological Methods (3.0)
"...devoted to the development and dissemination of methods for collecting, analyzing, understanding, and interpreting psychological data."
Psychological Assessment (1.8)
"...publishes mainly empirical articles concerning clinical assessment. Papers that fall within the domain of the journal include research on the development, validation, application, and evaluation of psychological assessment instruments."
Psychometrika (0.7)
"...contains articles on the development of quantitative models for psychological phenomena, and on quantitative methodology in the social and behavioral sciences, including new mathematical and statistical techniques for the evaluation of psychological data, and the application of such techniques."
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers (0.6)
"...information on the methods, techniques, and instrumentation of research in experimental psychology. The journal focuses particularly on the use of computer technology in psychological research, including the latest hardware and software developments. An annual special issue is also devoted to this field."
Applied Psychological Measurement (0.5)
"...publishes empirical research on the application of techniques of psychological measurement to substantive problems in all areas of psychology and related disciplines. Its focus is on leading-edge methodologies such as item response theory, multidimensional scaling, and their evaluation."
Multivariate Behavioral Research (0.5)
"...publishes a variety of substantive, methodological, and theoretical articles in all areas of the social and behavioral sciences."
Educational and Psychological Measurement (0.4)
"...publishes data-based studies in educational measurement, as well as theoretical papers in the measurement field."
Journal of Multivariate Analysis (n/a)
"...publishes papers on both basic theoretical aspects and innovative
applications of multivariate analysis."
Methods of Psychological Research (n/a)
"...publishes results of methodological research and presentations of new methods, models and techniques that are related to the investigation of substantive problems in all areas of psychology...."
Structural Equation Modeling (n/a)
"...publishes manuscripts from all academic disciplines with an interest in
structural equation modeling."
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