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Personality Research Programs
Behavior Genetics Behaviorism Cognitive Social Theories Evolutionary Psychology Psychoanalysis Home |
Last modified July 2003
Home to Great Ideas in Personality
General Personality
"...devoted to bringing together the diversity of scholars whose research contributes to the understanding of personality structure, development, and dynamics." See ARP website.
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: join arp Firstname Lastname"...for students, academic researchers and professionals involved in the definition, theory, and measurement of individual differences. The net members are drawn from the areas of experimental, clinical, and educational research, encompassing fields as diverse as psychophysiological assessment, psychometrics, personality theory and measurement, and cognitive ability." See IDANET website.
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: join idanet Firstname Lastname~ Flip to top ~
Attachment Theory
"Discussions on Bowlby's Theory of Attachment. To establish a communications networks that will discuss and exchange ideas and information related to works, writings and methods of John Bowlby." See BOWLBY-L website.
To subscribe, send email to listserv@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU, and put the following in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE BOWLBY-L Firstname Lastname~ Flip to top ~
Behavior Genetics
"To discuss the ethical, legal and policy implications of the Genome Project and its clinical applications."
To subscribe, send email to listserv@LISTSERV.ACOR.ORG, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe gen-ethics"An open, unmoderated mailing list to support discussions about genetic engineering. The main purpose of GENTECH is to exchange information among concerned scientists, activists of grassroot groups and other organisations about the impacts of genetic engineering to environment and society. As there are several other lists and newsgroups backing scientists in biotechnology with academic information the focal point of GENTECH is to provide information and support for individuals and organisations whose are not necessarily familiar with biotechnological terms."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following on the Subject line: subscribe~ Flip to top ~
"An unmoderated discussion list for clinicians, academics, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in discussing human behavioral and experiential phenomena and/or developing models of learning and change that will account for behavior and experience. This is both a forum for clinicians and other observers of behavior to organize and describe any and all replicable human behavior or experiential phenomena and for modelers to have informed access to the total breadth of observed and experienced human behavior from which they can model all or some of the phenomena."
To subscribe, send email to listserv@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe learning~ Flip to top ~
Cognitive Social Theories
"MATHSOC is an association of research sociologists, pursuing advances in the science. Using mathmatics as a tool, our commitment is to the science: To developing testable general laws of social behavior and to related principles of data analysis."
To subscribe, send email to listserv@LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe matchsoc"This mailing list is concerned to offer both a forum for the discussion of personal construct psychology, in terms of the theoretical and methodological concerns of this discipline, and an analysis of the relation between this discipline and other perspectives within the social sciences." See PCP website.
To subscribe, go to Join PCP List~ Flip to top ~
Evolutionary Psychology
"An unmoderated mailing list for the discussion of animal behaviour and behavioural ecology. Possible topics could be e.g. new or controversial theories, new research methods, and equipment. Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new software for behavioural analysis etc., with possible experiences, are also encouraged. The list is linked to the Usenet newsgroup Posts from Usenet and from non-subscribers will be moderated." See ETHOLOGY website.
To subscribe, send email to listserv@SEGATE.SUNET.SE, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe ETHOLOGY Firstname Lastname"This group will be for the discussion of evolution. Social Darwinism which is now thought of as Evolutionary Psychology will be the main focus. We can also discuss the seperation of our ancestors from our ape lineage. Lastly, possible evolutionary theories can be discussed here as well." See EVOLUTIONARY_PSYCHOLOGY website.
To subscribe, send email to"Discussing the Evolutionary Approach to Human Development. A discussion list intended as a resource for scholars and others doing research connected to the contributions to the New Approach to Ethology developed during the last three decades. The basic purpose of the list is to serve as a forum for scholarly discussions and as a clearinghouse for the distribution of information on academic conferences, publication opportunities, fellowship information, academic grants, and job openings of interest to Human Ethology scholars. Subscribers are encouraged to post questions, comments, or announcements of interest to individuals working on topics related to Ethology and Sociobiology. Appropriate postings might pertain to work currently in progress, the development of course materials, bibliography material of interest to Ethology scholars, useful internet resources, etc."
To subscribe, send email to listserv@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe sociobio~ Flip to top ~
"A discussion for German researchers who are interested in depth psychology and psychoanalysis."
To subscribe, send email to listserv@UNI-KARLSRUHE.DE, and put the following in the body of the message: sub freud-l Firstname Lastname~ Flip to top ~
Tests and Measurements
"Measurement and research methodology forum sponsored by the American Educational Research Association."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: sub aera-d Firstname Lastname"Psychological assessment and psychometrics forum sponsored by St. John's University."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe assess-p Firstname Lastname"In response to feedback I've received regarding the need for an IRT-based discussion list, I've created one."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe IRT Firstname Lastname"A resource for social science research methods instructors."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe methods Firstname Lastname"...for the exchange of news, questions, and answers about the theory and practice of Rasch measurement; sponsored by the Australian Council for Educational Research since 1996."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe rasch"Data sources for social sciences."
To subscribe, send email to, and put the following in the body of the message: subscribe sos-data Firstname Lastname~ Flip to top ~